Charming house - 831 Barclay Street - Quiet, attractive neighborhood one block from hospital.
Occupied. Not Currently Available: Four bedroom, two full baths, one block from Clearfield hospital. Eat-in kitchen and two full baths, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, ample closets and storage, full basement, washer-dryer hookups, roofed side porch, off-street parking. Large living room, thermal windows, new heating, plumbing and electrical. Extremely well insulated, very energy efficient with hot air natural gas heat and hot water.
Non-smoking environment.
$885/month includes sanitation.
One month security deposit, credit check, references. 1 year lease OR month-to-month for extra $50/mo rent.
Non-smoking environment.
$885/month includes sanitation.
One month security deposit, credit check, references. 1 year lease OR month-to-month for extra $50/mo rent.